.what is MGT 417 about.

Hey hey! Before this I have share with you about UiTM and HRS. Today, I would like to talk about MGT 417. This subject discuss more about management in IT. One of the topic that have been discuss in MGT 417 is Information Systems and the Modern Organization. So, why are information systems so important to organization and society? Firstly, IT will reduce the number of middle managers because IT makes managers more productive, and it increases the number of employees who can report to a single manager. In these ways, IT ultimately decreases the number of managers and experts. It is reasonable to assume then that fewer managerial levels will exist in many organizations and there will be fewer staff and line managers. Secondly, IT will changes the manager's job. This means, with IT managers can gather information for decision making much more quickly by using engines and intranets. Besides that, IT tends to reduces the time necessary to complete any step in the decision making process. By using IT properly then, managers today can complete tasks more efficiently and effectively. Thirdly, IT impacts employees at work. Lets discuss that IT provides opportunities for people with disabilities. But how? This is because computer can create new employment opportunities for people with disabilities by integrating speech and vision recognition capabilities. For the example, individuals who cannot type are able to use a voice-operated keyboard, and individuals who cannot travel can work at home. IT also impacts employee's health ans safety. With ergonomics, which means the science of adapting machines and work environments to people, focuses on creating an environment that is safe, well lit, and comfortable. For example, antiglare screens have helped alleviate problems of fatigued or damaged eyesight. Also, chairs that contour the human body have helped decrease backaches. For the last point is IT provides quality of life improvements. What we can see now, robot revolution is on the way. Once restricted largely to science fiction movies, robots that can do practical tasks are becoming more common. For the example of precision agriculture, Carniegie Mellon University has developed self-directing tractors that harvest hundreds of acres of cros around the clock in California. These robot tractors use global positioning systems (GPSs) combined with the video image processing that identifies rows of uncut crops. Besides that, IT also give an improvements in health care. Medical personnel use IT to make better and faster diagnoses and to monitor critically ill patients more accurately. Other than that, expert systems now help doctors diagnose diseases, and machine vision is enhancing the work of radiologists. Surgeons use virtual relity to plan complex surgeries and they have also used a surgical robot to perform long-distance surgery by controlling the robot's movements. So for the conclusion, in this new era, IT was very important in our life to let it more easy and comfortable. There are some pictures that I have been provided to make you more understands about what we have discuss before.

Enabling people with disabilities to work with computers

Ergonomic products

The da Vinci robots in use

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